5th Street Ohana – A Vacation Rental In Volcano, Hawaii

What is the best time of year to visit the Big Island of Hawaii?

High Season: When the Masses Flock to Paradise

At first thought, it may seem silly to ask when the best time is to visit paradise. It’s paradise, after all! However, even a tropical destination like the Big Island varies from month to month and season to season, so it’s helpful to have some of these details in mind when planning your trip.
Like other tourist meccas, the Big Island has its high season, roughly following the annual school and holiday schedule. When schools are out over the winter holidays, from mid-December through early January, and again during the summer months of July and August, the island is busier than ever. It’s also quite popular to visit during February and March when many people look to escape the long and cold winter in the northern hemisphere. It’s convenient for families to visit during summer or winter break, as kids are out of class, and it’s often when people have time off work, but it’s also when the island is most crowded. The result is pricier airline tickets, harder-to-book accommodations, and more packed beaches.
Onomea trail
Kilauea Ili trail

Spring Shoulder Season: After the Rain and Before the Crowds

Springtime is one of the two shoulder seasons (the other one is September through November), and it’s an ideal time to visit. The hordes of summer visitors haven’t arrived yet, and the weather sits pleasantly between the rainy season, which winds down in late April, and the mid-summer humidity, which has yet to settle in. The eastern section of the Big Island, where Hilo and 5th St Ohana sit, is a tropical zone where rainstorms are common. But don’t be deterred, as much of this rain falls during the winter months, and the average temperature always hovers from the mid-70s to the low-80s. Just plan to bring layers, as you may start the day on a misty volcanic outlook and end it basking in the afternoon sun on a secluded beach.
You’ll have popular beaches to yourself during April and May, and hiking trails within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park(just a few miles down the road from 5th St Ohana) will be less crowded. It’s also the tail end of the world-famous winter surf season in Hawaii, so whether you’re looking to catch some waves yourself or just spectate from the sandy shore, the swells will be at their best. And make sure to add whale-watching to your itinerary, as humpback whales are still in the warm waters just off the Big Island in the spring months, having made their annual wintertime pilgrimage down from Alaska.
Inside Thurston Lava Tubes
Kaumana caves entrance
Embrace shoulder season, avoid the crowds, and plan your stay in paradise today